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8.       BLOCKS: CREATE, EDIT, IMPORT AND EXPLODE. Aim To understand creating and editing blocks in DraftSight software. Blocks                                                A Block is a collection of entities bound together as a single entity. After creating a Block, we can insert it whenever we need it in a drawing. When you use the MakeBlock command, the symbol is recognized in the current drawing only. The MakeBlock command write a symbol to an external drawing file for use in any drawing. Click the MakeBlock icon on the Draw toolbar. The Block Definition dialog box is displayed. Name: Enter name. Description: Enter description. Units: Select Millimeters. Block entities: Click the Select in graphics a...


8.                   LAYERS: CREATION, NAMING, PROPERTIES MANAGER Aim To understand creating and naming layers and properties manager in DraftSight software. Working with Layers Working with Layers is analogous to drawing manually using Layers of see-through media.  Parts or portions - these might be functional portions, such as Construction Lines, of one complete drawing are drawn on different 'media' that, imposed on top of one another, form the entire drawing. Layers are useful in separating entities, such as parts or sub-assemblies, or structural components, such as pipe sizes or building materials. They also serve to separate elements such as Construction Lines, Centerlines, Outlines, and Dimensions, or items that are to be placed in a group, such as foliage in an architectural drawing. When you use Layers, you have a clearer construction of the drawing and better control over the...


8.       TRANSFORMATIONS: MOVE,COPY,ROTATE,SCALE,MIRROR,OFFSET, TRIM,EXTEND,FILLET AND CHAMFER Aim To get an idea about various transformation function such as move, copy, rotate, scale, mirror, offset, trim, extend, fillet and chamfer in Draft Sight software. COPY COPY is the command is used to create one or more copies of selected objects. The copies of the object can be drawn by selecting the copy tool from modify toolbar. The command format for copy function  is Command: COPY ¿ Specify entities »   ¿ Specify from point »     ¿ Specify second point »    ¿ MOVE MOVE command is used to move an object or objects from a position to any required position without changing their size. The command can be accessed by selecting Move tool from modify toolbar. Command: MOVE ¿ Specify entities »   ¿ Specify from point »   ¿ Specify destination »   ¿ ROTATE ...


CREATING AND EDITING DIMENSION STYLES AND TEXT STYLES Aim                                    To understand creating and editing dimension and text styles in DraftSight software. Basic Dimensioning DraftSight provides a full range of Dimensioning tools and utilities. We can use a variety of Dimensioning tools to display measurements of entities or relations between them in drawings.. Dimension Styles are the main method used to control the way Dimensions look. To create dimension click on the entity which a dimension is going to give and click ok. Set Dimension Style Click the Dimension Style icon on the Dimension toolbar. The Options - Drafting Styles dialog box is displayed with the Dimensions option expanded. Modify Dimension Precision Click the Dimension Style icon on the Dimension toolb...

DraftSight drawing exercise

DRAWING EXERCISE AIM                                                           To create the spacer design using DraftSight drawing tools. LIST OF COMMANDS USED Line, Arc, Circle. PROCEDURE 1.       Select line command icon in draw toolbar or type command LINE in command window. 2.       Specify start point» 0,0 [ENTER] 3.       Specify next point» @6,0 [ENTER] 4.       Specify next point» @0,3 [ENTER] 5.       Specify next point» @-2,0 [ENTER] 6.       Specify next point...

DraftSight work exercise-1

LIST OF COMMANDS USED Line, Circle. PROCEDURE 1. Select the Line command icon in the Draw toolbar or type command LINE in command window. 2. Command: _line Specify first point: 0, 0. 3. Specify next point» 5.5,0 [ENTER] 4. Specify next point» @0, 2.5 [ENTER] 5. Specify next point» @2.5, 0 [ENTER] 6. Specify next point» @0, 2.5 [ENTER] 7. Specify next point» @-1.5, 1.5 [ENTER] 8. Specify next point» @-6.5, 0[ENTER] 9. For the last segment of the sketch, we can use the Close option to connect back to the starting point. Inside the graphics window, right-mouse-click and a popup menu appears on the screen. Select Close with the left-mouse-button to connect back to the starting point and end the Line command. 10. Select the Circle command icon in the Draw toolbar or type command CIRCLE in command window. 11. Specify center point» 2.5,3 [ENTER] 12. Specify radius» D [ENTER] 13. Specify diameter of circle» 2.5 [ENTER] 14. Type command CIRCLE in command w...

DraftSIght tutorial-2 object creation

LINE       Line can be drawn by selecting Line button on draw toolbar or using command LINE. There are four options for drawing a line. Absolute coordinate option 2. Relative coordinate option 3. Polar coordinate option 4. Direct distance entry option Absolute coordinate option Command: LINE ↲ Specify start point »   30, 30 ↲ Specify next point »   100,30 ↲       Relative coordinate option Command: LINE ↲ Specify start point »    20,20 ↲ Specify next point »    @50, 0 ↲ Specify next point »    @0,2 0 ↲ Specify next point »    @-50, 0 ↲ Specify next point »     @0, -20 ↲ Specify next point »      ↲       Polar coordinate option Command: LINE ↲ Specify start point »       20,20 ↲ Specify next point »     ...