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DraftSIght tutorial-2 object creation

      Line can be drawn by selecting Line button on draw toolbar or using command LINE. There are four options for drawing a line. Absolute coordinate option 2. Relative coordinate option 3. Polar coordinate option 4. Direct distance entry option
Absolute coordinate option
Command: LINE
Specify start point»   30, 30
Specify next point»   100,30
      Relative coordinate option
Command: LINE
Specify start point»    20,20
Specify next point»    @50, 0
Specify next point»    @0,2 0
Specify next point»   @-50, 0
Specify next point»    @0, -20
Specify next point»    
      Polar coordinate option
Command: LINE
Specify start point»       20,20
Specify next point»       @20, <30
Specify next point»       
      Direct distance entry option
      Make the ortho mode ON.
Command: LINE
Specify start point»     30, 20
Specify next point»     30
Specify next point»    40
Specify next point»    30
The PolyLine command creates an equilateral (edges with equal length) closed PolyLine. A PolyLine is a drawing entity that consists of connected Lines or connected Arc segments. The number of sides can vary from 3 to 1024.
      Command : POLYLINE
Specify start point»    50,50
Specify next vertex»  100,50
The Arc command provides the ability to construct arcs of any length or radius. We can also append Arcs to other Line, PolyLine, or Arc entities. All Arcs are drawn from the start Point in the positive horizontal direction.
      Click Arc button directly from arc toolbar or using the command ARC
Command: ARC
Options: Center or
Specify start point»  c ¿
      Specify center point»   
      Specify start point»     
Specify endpoint»       
The Circle command provides the ability to use several methods to create Circles of any size. The circle may be defined by: A center point and either a radius or diameter, Two or three Points, Defining the tangents to two existing Lines or Arcs and then defining a radius value and Defining three tangent entities.
Click the Circle icon on the Draw toolbar or using command CIRCLE.
Command: CIRCLE
Options: 3Point, 2Point, Ttr, TTT,
Enter to exit or
Specify center point»    ¿
Or Click the center point of the Arc.
Options: Diameter or
Specify radius»        ¿
Rectangle can be drafted using RECTANGLE command or clicking the rectangle button from Draw tool bar. We can specify the area, dimensions or rotation parameters. You can also control the type of corners on the rectangle.
Options: Chamfer, Elevation, Fillet, Thickness, line Width or
Specify start corner»180,120¿
Options: Area, Dimensions, Rotation or
Specify opposite corner»240, 50¿
A Polygon is a closed linear PolyLine segment consisting of between 3 and 1024 equal length sides. For example to draw a hexagon using polygon command.
Click Draw, Polygon from the Main Menu or
Command: POLYGON
Default: 4
Enter number of Sides» 6 ¿
Options: Side length or
Specify center point»    ¿
Click the center point of the Circle in the graphics area.
Default: Corner
Options: Corner, or Side
Specify distance option» s ¿
Specify distance» 10 ¿
      ELLIPSE is the command used to draw an ellipse.
Command: ELLIPSE
Specify axis start point»    ¿
Specify axis end point»    ¿
Specify other axis end point»   ¿


  1. Hi Arish, I was making a mistake while trying to use the relative option for line.
    I was not specifying a start point.
    Ur tutorial made it clear to me.


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Thank You for your valuable comment....
arish ibrahim

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