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DraftSight drawing exercise


To create the spacer design using DraftSight drawing tools.

Line, Arc, Circle.
1.      Select line command icon in draw toolbar or type command LINE in command window.
2.      Specify start point» 0,0 [ENTER]
3.      Specify next point» @6,0 [ENTER]
4.      Specify next point» @0,3 [ENTER]
5.      Specify next point» @-2,0 [ENTER]
6.      Specify next point» @0,-0.50 [ENTER]
7.      Specify next point» @-2,0 [ENTER]
8.      Specify next point» @0,0.50 [ENTER]
9.      Specify next point» @-2,0 [ENTER]
10.  End the line command hit the enter key
11.  Select the vertical line on right side and press delete.
12.  Select Arc from draw menu and select start, center and end.
13.  Specify start point» click the start point of arc on lower right corner using click
14.  Specify center point» Click on the center
15.  Specify end point » Click on the upper right corner end point of arc.
16.  Repeat the same process on left side also by starting point on upper left corner.
17.  Type circle command
18.  Specify center point» by selecting the center same as the arc center on left side.
19.  Specify radius» d
20.  Specify diameter» 1.25
21.  Repeat the above steps to create circle on right side also.
22.  Dimension the model obtained and save it.
The required figure is obtained.


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