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To draw isometric views for the orthographic diagram shown here


Line, Hatch, Snap, Ortho, Isometric grid

1.      Set Ortho on.
2.      Enter Snap command, enter G for grid style and the I for isometric then press enter.
3.      Enter Isometricgrid and select T or top
4.      Enter Line command
5.      Select start point
6.      Specify next point: 40
7.      Specify next point : 15
8.      Specify next point : 20
9.      Specify next point : 15
10.  Specify next point : 20
11.  Specify next point: 60
12.  Specify next point: 80
13.  Specify next point: 60 and close
14.  Enter Isometricgrid command and enter R for right
15.  Select Line command
16.  Select start point left corner end
17.  Specify next point: 55
18.  Specify next point: 15
19.  Specify next point: 20
20.  Select start point right corner end
21.  Specify next point: 55
22.  Specify next point: 15
23.  Specify next point: 20
24.  Select ellipse arc command
25.  In options select isocircle
26.  Specify centre point
27.  Specify radius:15
28.  Specify start angle and end angle
Use copy and trim- crossline command for creating the remaining horizontal and vertical entities


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