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Showing posts from May, 2014

Engineering Graphics fundamentals

Engineering Graphics - Fundamentals Engineering Graphics is considered as language of engineers. It helps to communicate design ideas between people for various purposes. So learning engineering graphics in inevitable for all engineering students.

Draft Sight- Orthographic view of V block

Orthographic views for the pictorial diagram-V Block  LIST OF COMMANDS USED Line PROCEDURE 1.  Set the dimensions in mm and drawing boundary 210 x 297 mm 2.  Select line command icon in draw toolbar or type command LINE in command window. 3.  For Front View Specify start point» 0,0 [ENTER] 4.  Specify next point» @0,10 [ENTER] 5.  Specify next point» @-10,0 [ENTER] 6.  Specify next point» @0,60 [ENTER] 7.  Specify next point» @-10,0 [ENTER] 8.  Specify next point» @-25,-25 [ENTER] 9.  Specify next point» @0,-5 [ENTER] 10.  Specify next point» @-10,0 [ENTER] 11.  Specify next point» @0,5 [ENTER] 12.  Specify next point» @-25,25 [ENTER] 13.  Specify next point» @-10,0 [ENTER] 14.  Specify next point» @0,-60 [ENTER] 15.  Specify next point» @-10,0 [ENTER] 16.  Close 17.  Using the snap function draw the projection lines (thickness 0.15mm), Top view and side ...

Draft Sight- sectional orthographic views

Draw sectional orthographic views for machine part LIST OF COMMANDS USED  Line, Hatch, Mirror  PROCEDURE  1. Select line command icon from draw tool bar or type command LINE in command window  2. Specify start point >>0,0 [ ENTER]  3. Specify next point >>@ 0.75,0  4. Specify next point >> @7.25,0  5. Specify next point >> @0,-.625  6. Specify next point >> @0.75,0  7. Specify next point >> @0,1.25  8. Specify next point >>@-1.5,0  9. Specify next point >> @0,1  10. Specify next point >> @-1,0  11. Specify next point >> @0,1  12. Specify next point >> @-3.75,0  13. Specify next point >> @0,-1  14. Specify next point >> @-1,0  15. Specify next point >> @0,-1  16. Specify next point >> @-1.5,0  17. Close the LINE menu  18. Draw the center line at mi...

Draft sight- Isometric view

To draw isometric views for the orthographic diagram LIST OF COMMANDS USED Line, Hatch, Snap, Ortho, Isometric grid PROCEDURE 1. Set Ortho on. 2. Enter Snap command, enter G for grid style and the I for isometric then press enter. 3. Enter Isometricgrid and select T or top 4. Enter Line command 5. Select start point 6. Specify next point: 40 7. Specify next point : 15 8. Specify next point : 20 9. Specify next point : 15 10. Specify next point : 20 11. Specify next point: 60 12. Specify next point:80 13. Specify next point: 60 and close 14. Enter Isometricgrid command and enter R for right 15. Select Line command 16. Select start point left corner end 17. Specify next point: 55 18. Specify next point: 15 19. Specify next point: 20 20. Select start point right corner end 21. Specify next point: 55 22. Specify next point: 15 23. Specify next point: 20 24. Select ellipse arc command 25. In options select isocircle 26. Specify centre point 27. Specify radi...