LIST OF COMMANDS USED Line PROCEDURE 1. Set the dimensions in mm and drawing boundary 210 x 297 mm 2. Select line command icon in draw toolbar or type command LINE in command window. 3. For Front View Specify start point» 0,0 [ENTER] 4. Specify next point» @0,10 [ENTER] 5. Specify next point» @-10,0 [ENTER] 6. Specify next point» @0,60 [ENTER] 7. Specify next point» @-10,0 [ENTER] 8. Specify next point» @-25,-25 [ENTER] 9. Specify next point» @0,-5 [ENTER] 10. Specify next point» @-10,0 [ENTER] 11. Specify next point» @0,5 [ENTER] 12. Specify next point» @-25,25 [ENTER] 13. Specify next point» @-10,0 [ENTER] 14. Specify next point» @0,-60 [ENTER] 15. Specify next point» @-10,0 [ENTER] 16. Close 17. Using the snap function draw the projection lines(thickness 0.15mm),Top view and side view. 18. The line style of drawing modified to thickness of 0.70mm 19. Dimension the model 9 dimension line of thickness 0.05mm) and save it.